Ghost Train Haze
Ghost Train Haze is renowned as one of the most powerful strains ever to hit the cannabis world. Not for the faint of heart or inexperienced users, this strain was named the "Most Potent Strain on Earth" by High Times magazine in 2012. A cross between Ghost OG and Neville’s Wreck, Ghost Train Haze boasts an astounding 20%-25% THC level. With a dominant sativa profile (80% sativa, 20% indica), it delivers an intense cerebral high that can feel almost psychedelic at high doses, sometimes leading to paranoia, especially in novice users or those prone to anxiety.
Despite its potency, Ghost Train Haze is highly sought after by patients dealing with depression or anyone seeking a euphoric and stimulating experience. When enjoyed in moderation, it can spark bursts of laughter and ignite creative energy. The aroma is a pungent blend of sweet, sour citrus, and pine, making it as aromatic as it is potent. Visually, Ghost Train Haze lives up to its reputation, with dense buds covered in a rich layer of trichomes and vibrant orange hairs, giving it a strikingly dank appearance.